About Us
The newest addition to the LACRIS collection of resources is the Automated Booking System (ABS). The ABS allows deputies and officers to book subjects from any Department computer or MDC and route that information directly to the Livescan machine, streamlining the booking process. LACRIS is always looking forward to the next piece of technology that can assist the law enforcement community.
Evolution Mobile ID
The Evolution Mobile Identification device allows users to receive positive identification from the Los Angeles County Multimodal Biometric Identification System (MBIS) within 30 seconds. Users can capture fingerprints or iris images for positive identification.

Facial Recognition
This is the automated searching of a facial image in a biometric database, typically resulting in a group of facial images ranked by a computer-evaluated similarity; also known as a candidate list.

Iris Recognition
The use of iris recognition is gaining traction in physical and logical access control programs, including the U.S. government’s personal identification verification program for authentication of federal employees and contractors.
Fingerprint Identification
Fingerprints are the oldest and one of the most important in all of forensic science. An AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is one of the most common fingerprint databases utilized all over the world.
Contact Us
12440 E. Imperial Hwy, Norwalk, CA 90650